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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

model terbaru naza......

with the best of car....naza introduce new faceslift for picanto...with a cc 1.1....automatic, small car of the year plus the performance of the car and with a new colour...you are welcome to buy the car....hehehehe....tq....

happynya dapat kereta baru....

thank to all...from up to down...mr kamal & mrs kamal,kak norhidayah n husband,mr chua,encik wan farisan n family,miss choi and mrs sheerin n mr david....tq for support me n tq for choose naza kia for ur vehicles......tq.....
erm...rasanya dah lama x update blognie..rasa cm buzy sgt...skrg rasa cm kurang buzy skit sbb dah hbs exam...hehehe..sedar x sedar dah nak masuk sem8 dah...syukur...dah x lmbt nak hbs blajar...pasni bleh pikir tntg lain lak.....erm...harap2 sem ni lagi better than sem hari tu..amin...dah lama gak tak upload masuk gmbr2 my customer...harap2 ingat ler d org kat miss halimah ni....hari ni dah 28hb1009 dah...belum lg ader booking forte and picanto ni..cm ner ni..target nak wat sebanyak yg boleh...hbs sumer customer dijemput untk view...tak tahulah d org datang tak..huhuh...datangla...datanglah...jgn x dtg...dapat closed 1 unt pun ok wat..hahahaa...k.lah...nak g attend customer jap...nanti sambung blk...